Mercari’s shared mug cups, an effort to make sustainability a cool new habit! #MercariDays
Leveraging new technologies to create new solutions. Meet Mercari Hack Week winner @ allan.conda #WeMakeMercari
Breaking News!! Mercari Wins Google Play Best of 2019 Grand Prize!!!! #MercariDays #BestOf2019 #GooglePlay
Discussing future societal issues with Singularity Society #Mercaridays
Celebrating New Years in French Style with La Galette des Rois: The Three Kings’ Cake #Mercaridays
Communicating Across Language Barriers: Mercari’s Intercultural Team-Building workshop
Building Things That Didn’t Exist Before: Mercari’s Corporate Engineering Solutions Team Takes on Key Company Issues
Hearing directly from Leadership. Town Hall with the JP & US Executives! #MercariDays
Mercari’s Security Champion Program: Gamifying Security Education for a Safe and Secure Service
From the world of academia to innovating the marketplace experience with AI, meet @antonylam #WeMakeMercari
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