Mercari Local—How We Developed a Same-Day Delivery Service Remotely While Working With a 16 Hour Time Difference
Talk with Engineers. Vol.56 (Merpay EMs, @ robert, @ godriccao, @ tim) – Challenges and Career Growth for Non-Japanese Engineers at Merpay
How a Mercari EM who says “I was not good at English” joined a language learning program and gained confidence
Now Accepting Applications for Mercari Summer Internship 2021! #MercariDays
Announcing Our Award-Winning Teams at the End of the 4th #MercariHackWeek! #MercariDays
Mercari’s Women in Tech vol. 3: “Ten years from now, I hope the term ‘female engineer’ will have disappeared” #MercariDays
Back Again This Year! The Software Engineer Training & Internship Program Build@Mercari 2021 #BuildAtMercari
[ #MercariHackWeek Pre-Event] Hack Week Hints Panel Discussion with Engineers from Mercari JP and Mercari US@Tokyo! #MercariDays
Build@Mercari Interns Share Their Experiences and Thoughts! #MercariDays #BuildAtMercari
The fourth #MercariHackWeek , is about to begin! #MercariDays
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