Webinar to give you tips on Mercari-Style Easy & Kind Communication #MercariDays
[ #MercariHackWeek Pre-Event] Hack Week Idea Panel Discussion with Heavy Mercari Users Inside the Company! #MercariDays
Conversation between Machine Learning Engineers. Meet @ lain21 and @ chica #WeMakeMercari
# z-code-hangout: Group study sessions for continuous learning and professional development. #MercariDays
Mercari’s employee Buddy System: making sure international members kick off to a good start! #MercariDays
Mercari Hack Week: the time to focus on making new things! #MercariHackWeek #MercariDays
The Language Exchange Program: helping to find a partner to improve Japanese and English conversation skills. #MercariDays
It’s almost time for Mercari’s technology hackathon, Mercari Hack Week—this time, from home! #MercariHackWeek #MercariDays
The good, the bad and the challenges of working from home. #MercariDays
Winter break in Japan: How did Mercari members spend their time off? #MercariDays
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