Welcome to Japan!! Mercari India members’ first business trip to Tokyo #MercariDays
How Did the First India-Japan Office Collaboration Succeed? An Interview with the TnS Team
The Global Operations Team—creating value that goes above and beyond!
Holding Mercari’s D&I Training for Management at Tokushima City Hall: A Discussion with the Mayor #MercariDays
Encouraging Sustainable Actions With Mercard: The Story Behind Mercari’s New Credit Card and the Experience It Brings to Users
Back Again This Year! The Software Engineer Training & Internship Program Build@Mercari 2023 #BuildAtMercari
Breaking the Black Box with the Contents Intact: Refactoring the Transaction Domain
Eight Keywords for Delving Into Mercari: Our First 10 Years and the Potential and Future We Seek to Unleash / The Second Keyword: “Customer Experience”
Eight Keywords for Delving Into Mercari: Our First 10 Years and the Potential and Future We Seek to Unleash / The First Keyword: “Mission”
Robust Foundation for Speed: Reflecting on a year of strengthening Mercari’s technological foundation and more!
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