Establishing a Career as a Specialist: Breaking Down the New Principal System for Engineers and Product Managers
Build@Mercari 2024: Held Offline for the First Time Since the Pandemic! A Look at Mercari’s Software Engineering Training Program for Minorities in the Tech Industry
Looking Back at Mercari’s 11th Anniversary Event: Returning to Our Roots With a Classic Flea Market
Creating a New Era for Security and Enterprise IT—The Future Our New CIO and Current CISO Envision
Looking to Initiate a Game Change and Drive a Global Launch Unlike Anything Seen In the Past 10 Years—Meet Mercari’s Leaders: Shunsuke Sako / VP of Cross Border
Women Who Code x Mercari: In-Office Lightning Talks
15 New Feature Releases in Half a Year—A Record of the Web Growth Team’s Efforts
Combining Accuracy and Efficiency to Develop the No. 1 Inhouse Accounting System in Japan—Why I Work Here (Yuki Watanabe)
Miracles Found Along the Path That Mercari Athletes Have Traveled
Promoting Social Good and Building a Donation Culture in Japan—The Story Behind Mercari’s New Easy Donation Setting
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