Helping Mercari Become a Development-Oriented Organization: The Background and Successes of Two Taskforces
Going Full Remote: Participating in Mercari US Co-op & Internship Program 2020
Running a Platform With More Than 16.5 Million Users: The SRE Team’s Ideal EM! #WorkWithMercari
If at First You Don’t Succeed: The Development Team Behind the Redesigned Mercari Home Screen
[ #MercariHackWeek Pre-Event] Hack Week Idea Panel Discussion with Heavy Mercari Users Inside the Company! #MercariDays
The CTO is in! The semi-annual tech festival, #MercariHackWeek , is about to begin! #MercariDays
Have you noticed? A Summary of Personalization Improvements for Mercari
Build@Mercari from Week 2 to 4: Deep Dive into Data Structure and Algorithm #BuildAtMercari
How “Trust and Openness” reflects on engineering culture at Merpay: Meet iOS Engineer Celia #WeMakeMercari
Manager or player? Conversation with @deme, EM of the Mercari US backend team #WeMakeMercari
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