One AI Team member’s decision to change paths and work on the US app: Why? #BoldChallenge
Mercari CEO Yamada, CTO Namura, and Merpay CTO Sogawa envision a future of challenges [Part 2] #BoldChallenge
Mercari CEO Yamada, CTO Namura, and Merpay CTO Sogawa look back at past decisions and their background [Part 1] #BoldChallenge
Mercari’s organization is chaotic and well-established at the same time—our engineers look back on the past 3 years #BoldChallenge
Mercari’s future as envisioned by CTO Namura: An organic and leadership-based organization
Mercari’s First Engineering Training for New Graduate PMs
Spreading Go Through Education: Two Merpay Engineers Talk About Programming Languages
Wanting to help someone in need: Note-taking project for hearing-impaired members
Engineering at Mercari is evolving, and so is our product: Meet our backend engineering managers #WeMakeMercari
Migrating a live system to a microservice architecture: Meet backend tech lead Vijayender #WeMakeMercari
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