Breaking News!! Mercari Wins Google Play Best of 2019 Grand Prize!!!! #MercariDays #BestOf2019 #GooglePlay
What’s it like to be part of a globalizing company? Merpay’s iOS engineers share their experiences #TowardAGlobalMercari
The important keywords for Merpay as we aim to become part of society’s infrastructure #MPC2019SEP
No more allowing money to keep people from achieving their dreams: Merpay’s new form of trust #MPC2019SEP
Merpay CEO Naoki Aoyagi looks back on the seven months since Merpay’s launch #MPC2019SEP
Mercari CEO Yamada, CTO Namura, and Merpay CTO Sogawa look back at past decisions and their background [Part 1] #BoldChallenge
Looking back on Mercari UK: What the founding members are up to now #BoldChallenge
Looking for new adventures in Tokyo? We’re Hiring! Check out our open positions #MercariDays
Spreading Go Through Education: Two Merpay Engineers Talk About Programming Languages
Translating language and culture: one member’s efforts to spread diversity at Mercari
Unleash the potential in all people
We’re Hiring!