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Privacy Policy for Recruitment Activities

Mercari, Inc., and Merpay, Inc. (collectively with all other subsidiaries in Japan, “Mercari Group”) handle the personal information of applicants collected during recruitment activities* pursuant to the Privacy Policy for Recruitment Activities (the “Policy”) set out below. Mercari Group asks applicants to provide personal information upon participating in recruitment activities. By submitting this personal information, the applicant consents to the use and disclosure of the information in accordance with the Policy. Therefore, we ask that all applicants read the Policy carefully. For the privacy policy regarding Mercari’s services, please click here(only available in Japanese).

*Recruitment activities at Mercari Group include screening candidates and recruitment-related events held by Mercari Group, including study groups and information sessions.

1. Collection of Personal Information

The definition of personal information used in this policy is the definition outlined in Article 2 (1) of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003, “Personal Information Protection Act”). In order to fulfill the purpose defined in Section 2, Mercari Group collects applicants’ personal information, including the following, from applicants, recruitment agencies, and third parties subcontracted for background checks, etc.

  1. name, age, address, date of birth, phone number, email address, educational background, professional background, certifications, current income, expected income, and other information;
  2. any information included in documents the applicant provides to Mercari Group when applying to recruitment activities, including but not limited to resume, curriculum vitae, application form, or survey;
  3. any communication between Mercari Group and the applicant in any form, such as face-to-face, email, or phone calls (including but not limited to communication regarding interviews);
  4. any information Mercari Group collects during screening procedures such as background checks and reference checks in the candidate screening process; and
  5. the applicant’s history of application to and participation in recruiting activities, as well as screening results.

The personal information collected by Mercari Group may include information related to the applicant’s gender, health, nationality, etc. (collectively, “sensitive information”). Provision of sensitive information is optional, and Mercari Group will only collect sensitive information with the applicant’s prior consent. Sensitive information collected from applicants will only be used to the extent necessary for improving Mercari Group’s recruitment processes, including enhancement of diversity in recruitment, ensuring suitability of work (assignments, etc.) and health in Mercari Group, and supporting applicants in obtaining necessary visas and/or work permits.

2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

Mercari Group uses personal information collected from applicants to the extent necessary for recruiting activities at Mercari Group. This information is used for

  1. evaluating the qualifications of applicants in recruitment screenings at Mercari Group (including background checks, reference checks, and any other screening procedures);
  2. improving Mercari Group’s recruitment processes, including enhancement of diversity in recruitment;
  3. ensuring suitability of work (assignments, etc.) and health in Mercari Group;
  4. supporting applicants in obtaining necessary visas and/or work permits;
  5. providing information to applicants regarding employment opportunities, events, etc. by Mercari Group;
  6. improving Mercari Group’s employment opportunities, events, etc., and measuring satisfaction;
  7. contacting applicants regarding recruitment activities;
  8. managing information about applicants; and
  9. other purposes incident to recruitment activities, such as calculating statistics for use in future hiring plans.

With the exception of cases recognized by law, Mercari Group will not use the personal information of applicants for purposes other than the above. In the event that Mercari Group uses personal information of applicants to a level exceeding the extent necessary to fulfill the purposes above, Mercari Group will only do so after obtaining the applicant’s consent.

3. Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party

Mercari Group will not provide the personal information of an applicant to a third party without obtaining the consent of the applicant, except if

  1. pursuant to laws and regulations;
  2. it is necessary in order to protect a human life, body, or fortune, and when it is difficult to obtain the applicant’s consent;
  3. it is particularly necessary in order to enhance public health, and when it is difficult to obtain the applicant’s consent; or
  4. it is necessary to cooperate in work pursuant to laws and regulations performed by a national or local government organization or another party entrusted to do such work, and when there is a possibility that obtaining the applicant’s consent would interfere with the performance of those affairs.

The third parties Mercari Group provides information to may include third parties in foreign countries as defined in the Personal Information Protection Act.

4. Entrusting of Information to a Third Party to Handle Personal Information

Within the extent necessary to fulfill the purposes in Section 2, Mercari Group may entrust all or some of the handling of personal information to a subcontracted third party. In this case, Mercari Group will thoroughly examine the third party to determine that it meets the third party selection standards defined by Mercari Group, and execute a contract with the third party ensuring that all personal information will be suitably managed.The subcontracted third parties may include third parties in foreign countries as defined in Article 24 of the Personal Information Protection Act, such as overseas cloud service providers. In this case, Mercari Group may provide personal information only to the extent necessary to carry out the subcontracted work.

5. Joint Use of Personal Information

Within the extent necessary to fulfill the purposes in Section 2, Mercari Group jointly uses the collected personal information between companies in Mercari Group.

  1. Information jointly used:
    • Personal information as set out in Section 1
  2. Scope of parties using this information:
    • Mercari Group as set out in the introduction of the Policy, as well as its overseas subsidiarie
  3. Purpose of joint use:
    • Mercari, Inc. (for details regarding inquiries, please see Section 9)
      Please check the following link for information on Mercari, Inc., such as its location and representative.

6. Management and Security of Personal Information

Mercari Group securely stores personal information collected from applicants in servers in an environment inaccessible to general users, and strives to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage of data.

In the event that recruitment screening results in an applicant joining the company, Mercari Group treats the personal information collected from that applicant as employee information, and stores and manages the applicant’s personal information in accordance with Mercari Group’s internal regulations. In the event that an applicant does not join the company, Mercari Group stores the applicant’s personal information for a certain period of time to the extent necessary for the purposes of improving Mercari Group’s recruitment processes, providing information to applicants regarding employment opportunities and events by Mercari Group, etc.

7.Disclosure, Correction, and Suspension of Use of Personal Information

If an applicant requests that their personal information be disclosed (including disclosure of records stating to which third parties their data has been shared), edited, added to, deleted, erased, or that its use or provision to third parties be suspended (collectively, “disclosure, etc.”), Mercari Group will respond to that request appropriately in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. If you wish to request disclosure, etc. of use of your personal information, please contact the person in charge of this at Mercari Group via the contact information in Section 9.

Applicants may not request disclosure, etc. of use of personal information that meets either of the conditions below:

  1. Information in relation to the screening process at Mercari Group
  2. Information in relation to evaluation at Mercari Group, such as the results of screening

If an applicant wishes to correct any personal information that they sent to Mercari Group using the registration form, they may do so by re-sending the registration form with the corrected personal information.

8. Changes to this Policy

Mercari Group strives to improve this Policy appropriately. This Policy may be updated to reflect changes in laws and regulations, the necessity of recruitment activities, etc.

9. Inquiries

Inquiries regarding this Policy, including Section 7, should be sent to Mercari Group using the contact information below.

18F Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, 6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-6118 Address to: Hiring Representative, Mercari, Inc.
Email address: jobs(at)
(Please replace (at) with the @ symbol.)

Revised on September 23, 2020
Revised on April 1, 2022