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Recruitment & Selection

For anyone who is interested in working at Mercari, we’ve compiled some important points on our approach to hiring here. Please read through this page before applying.

Message From Our CHRO

Ai Miyakawa Chief Human Resources Officer

Unleashing the potential in diverse talent worldwide is the vision that Mercari strives for as an organization.

At Mercari, the business areas we cover do not require much equipment or tangible assets. Rather, our impact and value have always been generated by people. One of the most important issues on the minds of Mercari’s management is how to recruit talented professionals who fit our culture, and how to then support them in unleashing their full potential. That is why, ever since our founding, we have always focused on investing in people.

Our three values—Go Bold, All for One, and Be a Pro—are at the core of all of the decisions we make at Mercari, including who and what to invest in. Central to this are our three core values: Go Bold, All for One, and Be a Pro. Even among these three values, we place a special emphasis on Go Bold. Mercari is a company that continuously pursues change and evolution. Each individual is expected not to stay static and to Go Bold in search of unseen horizons. Mercari looks for people who are able to take on new challenges without fear of failure to continue learning new things and generating new forms of value. And, for members who demonstrate these values, we make sure we are rewarding them with bold appointments and promotions as well as competitive compensation, regardless of attributes such as nationality, age, or gender.

At the same time, we acknowledge that life presents various circumstances and constraints. We have established systems to eliminate as much as possible the downside risks (concerns around continuing work) relevant in instances such as caregiving, childcare, and illness, as well as support systems for various working styles.

At Mercari, we will continue to update our culture and clarify what actions we expect of our members so that they may fully embody our three values, and strive to further develop our organization into one that can help unleash the potential of diverse talent from all over the globe.

Ai Miyakawa

Chief Human Resources Officer

About Document Screening and Interviews

Document screening

  • You can submit your documents (resume, etc.) in the format of your choice. 
  • We do not specify any mandatory content to include in your documents. However, in order to help us determine whether you fit the profile of our ideal candidate, we recommend that you give a concise summary of your work history and include information on the businesses and projects you’ve worked with, what your roles were, the results you achieved, as well as the goals and vision you’d like to accomplish at Mercari.
  • Please submit your application in either English or Japanese. Note that some teams and job types may require you to know a specific language. In such cases, we may specify which language to use when applying.


The three things we look for in interviews

Mercari interviews applicants to determine three things: enthusiasm toward Mercari’s mission, embodiment of our values, and culture fit. We believe that having a shared belief in the missions of Mercari and of each Mercari Group company and being able to embody our values to achieve those missions are very important parts of working at Mercari. In the interviews, we will ask questions about your past experience and whether Mercari is the right place to demonstrate your skills.

Interviewing with the STAR method

At Mercari, we ask questions based on the STAR method, an interview technique that helps us go into more depth about your past actions. STAR is an acronym for Situation (setting the scene), Task (describing the challenges or responsibilities presented in that situation), Action (explaining the specific actions you took), and Results (sharing the outcome of your actions). By asking questions based on these four components, we aim to get an accurate understanding of your experience and skills in the interview.

Situation, Task, Action, Result
Main pointsExample questions
Situation We will ask about any projects you were a part of at your previous job and what led you to being involved in that project.
  • What was the purpose or goal of the project?
  • What was it like when the project first started?
  • Who was involved in the project? What did the team look like? (The number of people, age range, experience level, etc.)
  • What was the level of difficulty?
Main pointsExample questions
Task We will ask about the challenges you faced in the abovementioned project, and what kind of role you took on in that situation.
  • What was your role?
  • Why was that your role?
  • What challenges did you face? Why did you feel that those things were challenging?
Main pointsExample questions
Action We will ask what kind of actions you took in response to the abovementioned challenges. At Mercari, our three values are very important to us: Go Bold, All for One, and Be a Pro. Therefore, we will also be asking questions based on these values, such as how bold you were in taking on these challenges, how much you were able to work as a team and involve other stakeholders, and whether or not you were able to demonstrate your expertise as a professional in your field.
  • What were the specific actions you took? (How many times, for how long, to whom, etc.)
  • Why did you take those actions?
  • Did you think of any other ideas for overcoming those challenges?
Main pointsExample questions
Result We will ask what kind of results you were able to achieve through your actions. Please give specific numbers and quantitative data as much as possible.
  • What was the result of your actions?
  • What kind of feedback did the people around you (your supervisors or customers/clients) give you for these actions?
  • What did you learn from this experience?
  • What are some things that you think you could have done better? If you were to work on the project again, what would you do differently?

Overview of Our Positions

Full-time employees


Mercari, Inc.

– For non-Mercari positions, you will sign an employment contract with Mercari, Inc., and be seconded to Merpay, Inc., Mercoin, Inc., or Souzoh, Inc.

Application requirements

Depends on the position

– please view the job description for the position you are interested in

Employment period

No defined period

Probationary period

Three months

– During this period, your contract conditions will be the same as that of a permanent employee
In some cases we may decide to extend this probationary period

Work location

Head office (6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo) , Osaka office, Nagoya office or Fukuoka office

– Measures against secondhand smoke: Indoor smoking is completely prohibited 
– Work location will depend on the position
– Mercari has a work style policy called “Your Choice” that allows employees to freely choose the work style that’s best for them. Each employee can choose whether they want to work in the office, go fully remote, or some hybrid combination of the two. (Does not apply to some positions)

Working hours

Eight hours + one-hour break per day
Full flextime (no core hours)

– Does not apply to some positions

Days off and holidays

Two days off per week (as well as national holidays, New Year’s break, etc.)
Paid leave, congratulatory and bereavement leave, relax days, sick leave, child nursing leave, caregiving leave


Example using a monthly salary of 300,000 yen: Base salary of 221,965 yen + fixed overtime allowance of 78,035 yen (covering up to 45 hours of overtime per month)

– This salary amount is just for example purposes
– If you exceed 45 hours of overtime, a separate overtime allowance will be paid for the amount exceeding 45 hours. However, for those considered supervisors under labor laws, the separate overtime allowance will only be paid if you work overtime during late-night hours (10:00 PM–5:00 AM) for a total amount that exceeds the fixed overtime allowance.
– Since Mercari has a hybrid working style, commuting expenses will be paid based on how many times you go to the office (conditions and upper limit apply)

Salary review

Conducted in April and October

– Employee salaries are reviewed based on a performance evaluation that looks at aspects such as output and behavior


Given in March and September

– Paid based on individual evaluation and company performance

Stock-based compensation (stock options)


– Only for employees above a certain grade

Social insurance

Health insurance, employee’s pension insurance, unemployment insurance, worker’s compensation insurance


Merci Box (our benefits system established to provide the best environment where employees can Go Bold), employee stock ownership program (ESOP), and more

See details

Contract employees


Mercari, Inc.

– For non-Mercari positions, you will sign an employment contract with Mercari, Inc., and be seconded to Merpay, Inc., Mercoin, Inc., or Souzoh, Inc.

Application requirements

Depends on the position—please view the job description for the position you are interested in

Employment period

Renewal each year; maximum period of four years

– Contract employees may also be offered a full-time position based on their performance

Probationary period


Work location

Head office (6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo) , Osaka office, Nagoya office or Fukuoka office

– Measures against secondhand smoke: Indoor smoking is completely prohibited
– Work location will depend on the position
– Mercari has a work style policy called “Your Choice” that allows employees to freely choose the work style that’s best for them. Each employee can choose whether they want to work in the office, go fully remote, or some hybrid combination of the two. (Does not apply to some positions)

Working hours

Eight hours + one-hour break per day
Full flextime (no core hours)

– Does not apply to some positions

Days off and holidays

Two days off per week (as well as national holidays, New Year’s break, etc.)
Paid leave, congratulatory and bereavement leave, relax days, sick leave, child nursing leave, caregiving leave


Example using a monthly salary of 250,000 yen: Base salary of 216,216 yen + fixed overtime allowance of 33,784 yen (covering up to 20 hours of overtime per month)

– This salary amount is just for example purposes
– If you exceed 20 hours of overtime, a separate overtime allowance will be paid for the amount exceeding 20 hours. However, for those considered supervisors under labor laws, the separate overtime allowance will only be paid if you work overtime during late-night hours (10:00 PM–5:00 AM) for a total amount that exceeds the fixed overtime allowance.
– Since Mercari has a hybrid working style, commuting expenses will be paid based on how many times you go to the office (conditions and upper limit apply)

Salary review

Conducted in March and September

– Employee salaries are reviewed based on a performance evaluation that looks at aspects such as output and behavior


Given in March and September

– Paid based on individual evaluation and company performance

Stock-based compensation (stock options)


– Only for employees above a certain grade

Social insurance

Health insurance, employee’s pension insurance, unemployment insurance, worker’s compensation insurance


Merci Box (our benefits system established to provide the best environment where employees can Go Bold), employee stock ownership program (ESOP), and more

– See details here


Q. Do you conduct in-person interviews?

There are some positions that require in-person interviews, but as a general rule, the entire process is conducted online. However, if you would like to have an interview in person, please let us know and we will see if we can make arrangements.

Q. I applied to work at Mercari Group in the past. Can I apply again?

If you are applying for the same internship position as last time, you will need to wait until six months have passed since your last application. If it is a full-time position, one year must have passed since your last application for the same position. However, if you would like to apply for a different position, you can do so at any time. 

Q. I used to work for Mercari. Can I apply to join the company again?

Yes, you can! Mercari strives to be an attractive place to work, even to our former employees. We welcome back any alumni who choose to re-join Mercari Group.

Q. I’m having trouble deciding which position to apply for. Can I apply to multiple positions?

Yes, you can apply for more than one position at the same time. However, as a general rule, if you pass the document screening for more than one position, we will ask you to choose one position to move forward with.

Q. Does Mercari hold company information sessions?

Mercari puts together many events to share information about our organization, including company information sessions.

To find more information about our latest events, check our Connpass and Meetup pages.

Q. What is the selection process like?

The selection process consists of a document screening, a technical assessment (only for certain positions), multiple interviews, and an offer meeting.

  • We may perform a reference check at some point during the selection process. This will require people you’ve worked with (managers or colleagues) to fill out a form with questions about their experience working with you. The reference check will be performed using a third-party service.
  • In order for you to learn more about Mercari’s values and culture, we may organize a casual meeting for you to chat with current Mercari members sometime during the selection process.

See this page for more information on Mercari’s selection process.

Q. How long are the interviews?

Generally, our interviews are about 30 to 60 minutes long. If it is a case interview or an interview with interpretation, it may take about 90 minutes. There may also be two or more interviewers in one interview. If it is expected to take longer, the recruiter will let you know beforehand.

Q. I currently live outside of Japan. Can I have my interview online?

We offer online interviews through tools like Google Meet regardless of whether you reside in Japan or overseas. The interviews can be conducted in English or Japanese, or a mix of both. We are also flexible in terms of the time you’d like to have your interview.

Q. What should I wear or bring to the interview?

There is no dress code, so feel free to wear whatever you are comfortable with. What you wear will not be a factor in our final decision. The interviewers will also join in casual attire. You also don’t have to bring anything with you. However, if you’d like to take notes, please bring your own note-taking supplies.

Q. Where are in-person interviews held?

In-person interviews are held at either our Tokyo or Fukuoka office. However, the location may differ for some types of work, so please check the email from your recruiter for details.

Q. Can I find out why I did or didn’t receive an offer?

No, we ask for your understanding that we cannot answer any questions about the selection criteria or the reason why you did or did not receive an offer.

Q. How will my personal information be handled?

Mercari Group handles the personal information that we obtain from candidates during the hiring process according to our Privacy Policy for Recruitment Activities.

See this page for our Privacy Policy for Recruitment Activities.