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Talent Development

At Mercari, we provide a variety of systems and opportunities related to talent development in order to maximize the growth of both individuals and teams.

Talent Development
at Mercari

At Mercari, in order to maximize the growth of both individuals and teams, we believe it’s important for each and every one of our members to have ownership of their personal growth. We expect members to step forward and leverage opportunities to take on the various roles and projects available internally that will help them to grow. In order to support these actions, with regard to talent development, Mercari provides its members with different systems and opportunities in the form of three pillars: work experience, feedback, and learning.


Our onboarding program is designed to ensure that within three months of joining the company, new members can explain Mercari’s culture in their own words and can aim to demonstrate our values and their performance to the fullest.

Onboarding Policy

  • We ensure that within three months of joining, new members understand Mercari Group’s mission, roadmap, and vision and are able to maximize their output and value-embodying behavior.
  • Managers, mentors, and team members provide direct work support and mental support to new members to help get them up to speed.
  • We emphasize building relationships through frequent communication, utilizing offline opportunities to do so.

Our efforts to promote a seamless onboarding process


Over a period of three days, we will provide with you some of the basic information essential for working at Mercari such as our mission, roadmap, vision, culture, and how we define our brand.

1-on-1 meetings

For the purpose of expanding your network across the organization, you will have the opportunity to hold regular 1-on-1 meetings with people from other teams and in other job positions.

Mentor lunches

Once you join the company, you’ll be assigned a mentor. Mercari reimburses the cost of lunches (price limits apply.) that are organized for mentors and mentees to get to know each other, regardless of whether you meet online or offline.

Training Programs

We support skill development in order to improve people management and team performance and to maximize the potential of each and every one of our members. Our training programs include the following topics:

  • Feedback
  • Coaching
  • 1-on-1 meetings
  • Career development
  • OKR setting
  • Communication
  • Inclusion and diversity

Bold Choice
(Internal Job Postings)

Bold Choice is an internal system through which members can apply for positions that are posted externally. This system helps provide each of our members with fair and open opportunities to change job positions without relying on connections or access to information. The goal is to create avenues for members to contemplate new challenges and growth opportunities on their own.

System overview

Application requirements

  • As a general rule, you must have worked on your current team for at least one year.
  • You must meet the entry requirements of the position.


  • As a general rule, you will go through the same screening process as external applicants.

Learning Support

Encouraging lunch & learn sessions

Our lunch & learn sessions combine lunch with a casual study session. The topics for study sessions are open-ended, and anyone is free to plan and schedule a session. Participants can have the cost of their lunch covered, regardless of whether they are joining online or offline (price limits apply).

Covering the cost of outside training and seminars

We recommend that our members acquire a wide variety of knowledge and connections through outside learning. This is why we cover the costs for our members to participate in outside training and seminars that are clearly related to their work.

Covering the cost of books and publications

Whether you want to purchase books, trade publications, newspapers, or business magazines, if the publication is clearly related to your work, Mercari will help cover the cost.

Mercari R4D PhD
Support Program

The Mercari R4D PhD Support Program is a system that supports employees wishing to obtain a doctorate degree. For research projects that contribute to achieving Mercari Group’s mission or that will potentially contribute to economic development and resolving social issues, we provide tuition support and allow time for these members to focus on research.
Note that the program is open to full-time employees of Mercari Group’s Japanese companies.

Support overview

Tuition support

  • Total tuition fees payable (up to roughly 2 million JPY/year, including enrollment fees)
  • In general, tuition support will be provided for three years (further extensions are possible depending on the status of your research)

Options for balancing work and research (providing research time)

  • Work 100% of full-time hours
  • Work 80% of full-time hours (equivalent to four days/week)
  • Work 60% of full-time hours (equivalent to three days/week)
  • Leave of absence (no time dedicated to work)

Support from our R&D organization Mercari R4D

  • Research consultation
  • Support for any paperwork or processes necessary for you to use data from the Mercari app, or any other confidential information, in your research